Increase Sales, Generate More Referrals and Hire Top Caregivers

Harness the power of video so you can connect with your audience, drive results, and create a memorable online presence.

Trusted By...

Your Path to Home Care Success

We understand the challenges you face in the home care industry. You’re striving to attract clients, recruit top caregivers, and build a strong referral network, all while maintaining a memorable online presence. If this sounds familiar, then you know how overwhelming it can feel.

The real culprit here is the lack of effective, engaging marketing that resonates with your audience. Without addressing this, your business risks stagnation. Potential clients may turn to competitors, and top caregivers might overlook your agency.

If you continue down this path without a strategic solution, the future holds missed opportunities, slower growth, and a weaker brand presence. But it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right approach, you can transform these challenges into opportunities for success.

Introducing Video Sales Accelerator...

Your ultimate solution to elevate your home care business’s online presence.

You will:

  • Attract more clients

  • Recruit top-tier caregivers

  • Increase referrals

  • Build a memorable and strong online presence

How It Works

Our process is simple and efficient. We do it together, with no courses to watch and no homework assignments.

In just 2 hours a month, we will:

  • Plan and record high-quality video content

  • Edit and produce professional videos

  • Strategically distribute the content across various platforms

This hands-on approach ensures that everything is done for you, maximizing your time and driving more prospect and caregiver conversions.

All you have to do is show up.

What Makes Us Different?

Our "Digital Directing" process makes it really easy for agencies to quickly create and get results. In just 2 hours a month we will create high quality video content and then strategically deliver the content across mediums and platforms. With 10 plus years working in the home care industry, Nick understands that it is not just about creating videos, but how to leverage them to drive sales, leads, and hires.

Our FAST Proven Process

With digital directing, we record the content together. We are with you every step of the way to help you to bring your best and make sure we get it done!

It's simple...

  • Jump on to a zoom style call with Nick

  • Plan and record content

  • DC team edits the videos

  • We share it across mediums and platforms

  • You Generate Sales, Leads, and Hires

Nervous About Being On Camera??

Digital Directing makes it easy...

Debbie Humphrey

Owner of Home Helpers

"Digital directing was awesome! It kept me on queue. It helped me put my thoughts together better with your assistance.

You have a knack of pulling things out of somebody that it might be in my head, but I'm not thinking it to say it.

This would have probably taken me four weeks at a four hour minimum each time to have recorded this many videos. This was awesome.”

Skip Ballard
Owner of Touching Hearts At Home

"It would have taken me a week or to do 3 videos but we banged them out in less than an hour. I had some anxiety before because I thought I was going to fumble on my words.

You’re very easy to work with and you guided me and kept me in the lanes.

I like the accountability part too. I feel very felt like it was very productive and we got a lot done. It was awesome."

Lisa Fausey
Owner of Home Helpers

"Having the split screen on Zoom and being able to have some direction was really helpful to me.

You kept me on task and you also had me prepared in advance so that I was ready to go when it was time to do our recordings."

Paul Orlando

Community Liaison at Right At Home

"It was incredibly exciting and awesome, and it really made me feel a lot more comfortable doing this. Having you there to help guide me along and keep me on track.

I wouldn't have been able to do this without Nick coaching me, and now I am set up for success, which I think that's my favorite thing. I know how this is supposed to go, and I feel a lot more confident moving forward that I can handle this."

Chris Mihm

Owner & President of Freedom Home Care

"I was a little apprehensive, a little bit scared, but Nick made it super easy to feel comfortable answering the questions and getting set up properly. He did a great job of walking me through the entire process.

Even if you felt a little bit nervous about making some mistakes, Nick's ability to edit the videos and the audio made the final product turn out really, really nice.

You have a program and a process laid out that makes it easy to be able to say, this is something that's going to work in my situation. It's a perfect solution for a business owner who finds it difficult to just jump in and do on their own."

Heather Monoc

Co-Founder & CEO of Right Hand Care

"Before working with Nick, I was terrified of being on camera. I didn't know what to say, I got really nervous, and I had no self-discipline in creating content.

Nick’s specific knowledge of the home care industry was crucial. He coached me on what to say and do, which made everything make sense.

Having someone to coach me during filming was a game-changer. I didn’t know if I was saying the right thing, but Nick kept me going, gave me confidence, and reminded me that it’s okay to mess up—you can always do it over again.

It’s been a great learning experience, and now I have so much more confidence in filming and creating videos."

Catherina Bertaina

President and Founder of Colonial Home Care Services

"I was a little apprehensive and nervous about getting on camera, but Nick made it super easy. He made me feel comfortable, walked me through the entire process, and did an amazing job.

Even if you’re nervous about making mistakes, Nick’s editing skills make the final product turn out really, really nice.

Nick’s guidance and knowledge make the process easy. Anyone working with him would feel at ease and in good hands."

Abby Sakariyah CRNP FNP-BC

Founder & CEO at Cherished Hands Home Healthcare

"I don't like being on camera. I love attention, but not when it comes to being on camera. I also thought nobody would understand me, but Nick debunked that for me and made it comfortable."

When you're taking time to provide knowledge, you're not selling—you're just educating and talking to people about ways you can help or other areas where they might need information.

I like the video now because it's helping me reach more people. I call it ‘getting clients in your sleep’ because people watch the videos at any time, even when I'm not actively working. It’s been great when people say, 'Oh, Abby, I like your videos!' It feels good to know they’re making an impact."

Joseph and Alisa Lorenzana

Owners of A Better Solution in Raleigh

"Nick is fantastic. He makes everything so easy and smooth. Scheduling was great with a lot of flexibility.

Nick could just keep the camera on, let us talk, and then take care of the rest. The final product was seamless and very smooth, like it was on TV.

He provided so many resources that guided us and coached us through every step of the process."

Kyle Bossung

President & Co-Founder of Senior1Care

"With Nick's guidance, I realized that you don’t have to get everything perfect on the first try. Knowing that everything can be spliced and edited was a huge relief.

Nick’s pointers and the system are nice because I don’t have to memorize everything; I can just look at bullet points and keep going. The real value is learning that it’s okay to pause, recollect, and keep going without worrying about being perfect.

I like that Nick’s goal is to cut down the time spent on filming and editing, making everything feel less daunting.

Even if I didn’t feel great during the recording, seeing the finished product makes you realize it looks professional, and that boosts your confidence."

Jennifer Benjamin

Owner at Family First Home Companions

"You make it very easy.

Everything is laid out, and you take the time to ensure we capture all the information we want. Recording feels like having a relaxed conversation with a client or family member.

It just flows, and I appreciate that."

What You'll Get...

Coaching and Digital Directing

24 Calls (50 mins each)

Work firsthand with Nick and benefit from his expertise through our Coaching and Digital Directing services. With over 10 years in the home care industry, Nick has learned from the best and understands the nuances of the business. He has coached and taught agency owners across the country, working with both independent businesses and franchises.

Nick's proven approach makes video creation easy, even for those who are resistant or uncomfortable on camera. But it's not just about video. Nick will also help you implement other digital marketing strategies, recruitment and retention tactics, and guide you and your team in incorporating AI. His personalized coaching ensures that you feel confident and produce high-quality, impactful videos while also enhancing other critical aspects of your home care business.

High Quality Video Production

Elevate your video content with our professional production services. We ensure that every video is polished and engaging, giving it the professional touch that sets your brand apart.

DC Creative (30 Total Videos)

  • Custom Video Graphics Branding Kit

  • Professionally Produced Videos

  • Why Video with Personalized Photos

  • Caregiver Irresistible Offer Video

  • Caregiver Testimonial Compilations

    • What Makes You Different

    • Benefits of a Caregiver

    • 6 Individual Caregiver Testimonials

  • Educational Content Series

    • Ten 5-8 min videos with tock b-roll and key point graphics

    • Ten 1-min versions

    • 20 Custom YouTube Thumbnails

    • 10 Blogs for Each Educational Video

YouTube Optimization and Management

We understand that managing a YouTube channel can be time-consuming, which is why we take care of it for you. Our YouTube Optimization and Management services ensure that your channel is fully optimized to attract and engage your audience.

  • Channel Optimization: We’ll optimize your channel’s layout, descriptions, and keywords to improve searchability and viewer engagement.

  • Video SEO: Each video will be carefully optimized with the right titles, tags, and descriptions to enhance visibility and reach.

  • Custom Thumbnails: Eye-catching thumbnails to increase click-through rates and viewer interest.

  • Playlists Creation: Organize your content into strategic playlists to keep viewers engaged and encourage binge-watching.

  • Regular Updates: Consistent posting schedule to maintain viewer interest and channel activity.

  • Performance Analytics: Monitor and analyze your channel’s performance to make data-driven improvements.

What We'll Create...

Video #1:

Your Brand Story - Unveiling Your Why Video

Craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience, showcasing the heart and mission of your business. By highlighting your "why," you create a memorable and authentic connection with potential clients, caregivers, and referral partners, driving trust and engagement.

  • Transform your brand narrative with a captivating Why Video inspired by Simon Sinek's "Start With Why" philosophy.

  • Showcase the heart and soul of your business, highlighting your core values, mission, and vision.

  • Utilize the video across various platforms to attract prospective clients, referral partners, and caregivers.

  • Custom photos submitted by you will be included in the video as visual aids to enhance storytelling.

Here are a few examples...

Here are some ways we will help you to use your "Why" video:
  • Add it to the home page of your website

  • Create QR code that goes to the video. Add it to brochures, flyers, business cards and anything else you print.

  • Add it to your email signature

  • Send it to caregiver applicants after they apply

  • (before interview to increase showup rate)

  • Send it after or before a client consultation

  • Message to referral sources

  • (ex: you may connect with a new person. Send them an email or Linked In message to that video and you can say, "here is a little bit more about me.")

  • Add the video to your Linked In profile

  • Pin the video to the top of your facebook page so it is the first thing prospective clients and caregivers see

Videos #2-9:

Caregiver Irresistible Offer

Your recruitment video leverages testimonials from your real caregivers. While anyone can claim they are a great agency, it means much more when it comes directly from the people working with you. By showcasing authentic experiences and stories from your caregivers, you create a powerful and persuasive narrative.

Caregiver Testimonial Compilation

Your recruitment video leverages testimonials from your real caregivers. While anyone can claim they are a great agency, it means much more when it comes directly from the people working with you. By showcasing authentic experiences and stories from your caregivers, you create a powerful and persuasive narrative.

When we create your recruitment videos and use them effectively, it will help you:

  • Increase quality applicants

  • Improve interview show-up rates

  • Boost hires

It's not just about getting caregivers; it's about attracting the best of the best. With an amazing offer and genuine testimonials, you can draw in the top caregivers in your area, ensuring your agency stands out as an employer of choice.

Here are some ways of using these recruitment assets:
  • Add it to your careers page on your website

  • Add to you Indeed website

  • Send it to caregivers after they apply. Be smart and automate it!

  • Add it to flyers for job fairs and schools with a qr code

  • Showcase it during orientation

Videos #10-30:

Educational Video Series

Agencies all over the country "say" they are experts, but how about you prove it! This is especially relevant when you want to specialize in a certain area like dementia, strokes, or fall prevention.

When you begin teaching, not only will you brand yourself as the leading authority in your area, but you will also be creating social content that gets more views and more engagement. By providing valuable, educational content, you demonstrate your expertise and commitment to quality care, building trust and credibility with your audience.

To maximize your reach and efficiency, every video is converted into a 1-minute version. You get 10 core videos plus 10 1-minute versions that can be used across all platforms. This approach ensures you are working smarter, not harder, by leveraging content in multiple formats to engage your audience effectively.

How To Leverage Your Educational Videos Effectively:
  • Add it as blog posts to your website with the video transcription as a written blog. The superstars repurpose the transcripts into multiple social media posts

  • Post across social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and of course YouTube

  • Email video link to prospects, current clients, referral sources and caregivers as part of your newsletter

  • Utilize specific videos that are relevant to prospects after you speak with them on the phone or in person as follow up

  • Promote your YouTube channel on print materials to use as a differentiator from your competitors

Our Guarantee

We guarantee that if you show up to the calls each week, by the end of the program, you will have your very own online streaming platform of content hosted on YouTube. You will have over 25 high-quality videos, providing you with a comprehensive library of professionally produced content that you can leverage for months and years to come.

Your YouTube channel will be fully optimized, with content organized for maximum reach and engagement, establishing you as an authority in your field with a robust video content strategy.

Our promise is simple: commit to the process, and we will deliver results that will significantly elevate your business and online presence. Let us help you create content that continues to drive growth and success long after the program is complete.

That's Not All...

When you join today, you will also unlock all these bonuses...

Bonus #1: Custom Print Designs

Welcome to the new age of connectivity—where the digital reigns supreme! Yet, within the home care sector, the tangible power of print in driving direct referrals simply cannot be overstated. Many agencies miss a crucial trick: print and digital are two halves of a whole, not solitary players. Unite them, and watch your marketing influence soar!

YouTube Post Card

Elevate your marketing efforts with our custom-designed postcards, tailored specifically for your business. Each postcard is front and back, featuring your unique branding and a custom QR code aimed at driving more subscribers to your YouTube channel. Perfect for use when speaking with clients or marketing to referral partners, these postcards are a powerful tool to enhance your reach and engagement. Hand them out during meetings or events to seamlessly connect your offline interactions with your online presence, ensuring a consistent growth in your subscriber base.

10 Custom Marketing Flyers

Maximize the impact of your videos by creating custom flyers. This effective strategy enhances your direct referral marketing efforts by driving more traffic to your videos.

We convert the blogs from your videos into simplified flyers with less information, making them concise and easy to read. Each flyer includes a custom QR code linking directly to the specific video on YouTube.

This method allows you to create a flyer for each video in your library, addressing specific needs such as "Home Care vs. Home Health" or "How to Care for Someone with Dementia." This targeted approach directs viewers to the exact content they need, boosting engagement.

We will create 10 custom flyers for you. If you market each flyer for 3 weeks, you will have 30 weeks of marketing materials at your disposal. This ensures a consistent and effective marketing strategy, leveraging your video content to its fullest potential.

Bonus #2: Online Course Library and Downloadable Resources

Elder Care Content Guide

Worried about what topics to teach? We’ve got you covered. Our Elder Care Content Guide is a curated collection of the best topics, already outlined and ready to be customized to fit your unique voice and expertise. This comprehensive guide ensures you always have relevant, engaging content to share, making it easy for us to tailor it to your specific needs. With this bonus, you'll never run out of ideas and can confidently create valuable content for your audience.

Social Made Easy Course

Social media can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Our Social Media Made Easy Mini Course is designed to help you create, manage, and grow your social media presence beyond just video content. You will gain a complete blueprint for using social media effectively, learn optimization techniques for your profiles to get the best results, and discover what to post and why.

Additionally, you will become aware of common mistakes to avoid, develop strategies to create a unique and standout online presence, and implement simple growth tactics to increase your reach. With key resources to make social media management easy and effective, you'll walk away with the knowledge and tools to leverage social media to your advantage!

Recording of Home Care Champions Experience

Social media can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Our Social Media Made Easy Mini Course is designed to help you create, manage, and grow your social media presence beyond just video content. You will gain a complete blueprint for using social media effectively, learn optimization techniques for your profiles to get the best results, and discover what to post and why.

Additionally, you will become aware of common mistakes to avoid, develop strategies to create a unique and standout online presence, and implement simple growth tactics to increase your reach. With key resources to make social media management easy and effective, you'll walk away with the knowledge and tools to leverage social media to your advantage!

Bonus #3: Private Facebook Group - Home Care Champions Community

This exclusive group is for those who have invested in working with us, ensuring every member is serious about growing their home care business. Connect and collaborate with like-minded professionals, ask questions, and share your video creations. Access exclusive content, tips, and strategies to elevate your business.

Home Care Champions is more than just a group; it’s a supportive community dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals. Join us and take your home care business to new heights!

Let's Review

Here is everything you get with Video Sales Accelerator...

One-On-One Support

  • Bi-Monthly Coaching and Digital Directing (24 Total Calls - 50 minutes to an hour per call)

DC Creative (30 Total Videos)

  • Custom Video Graphics Branding Kit

  • Professionally Produced Videos

  • Why Video with Personalized Photos

  • Caregiver Irresistible Offer Video

  • Caregiver Testimonial Compilation Videos

    • What Makes You Different

    • Benefits of a Caregiver

    • 6 Individual Caregiver Testimonials

  • Educational Content Series

    • Ten 5-8 min videos with stock b-roll and key point graphics

    • Ten 1-min versions

    • 20 Custom YouTube Thumbnails

    • 10 Blogs for Each Educational Video

YouTube Optimization and Management

  • Full Optimization and Account Set Up

  • Custom YouTube Banner Image

  • Custom Playlist Creation

  • Custom Defaults and Advanced Settings

Bonus #1: Custom Print Materials

  • YouTube Post Card

  • Ten Custom Flyers With Custom QR Codes To Each Individual YouTube Video

Bonus #2: Online Course Library and Downloadable Resources

  • Elder Care Content Guide

  • Social Made Easy Course

  • Recording of Home Care Champions Experience

Bonus #3: Private Facebook Group - Home Care Champions Community

Enroll Today!

Choose Your Investment Option Below


How quickly can we get started?

The timeline for getting started depends on aligning our schedules and how soon we can schedule the first call. Once we begin, we move quickly to ensure you start seeing results as soon as possible. We record the Why Video on our second call, so you can expect to dive into the process and start creating impactful content early on. This rapid approach helps you achieve your goals faster and begin leveraging your new video content promptly.

Due to the increased demand for this program and Nick's limited availability, it is possible there could be a waiting list. We recommend reaching out as soon as possible to secure your spot and begin your journey to enhanced video marketing success.

What happens after the program is complete?

After completing the Video Sales Accelerator program, we recommend joining The Champions Circle, our ongoing coaching and video creation program. The Champions Circle introduces Phase 2, which includes featuring collaborative industry partners on your YouTube channel, further expanding your reach and credibility.

You will also become part of an exclusive community of other members who have completed the program. This includes group call settings and a variety of other exclusive opportunities only available to a select group. This ongoing support and network will continue to drive your success and growth in the home care industry.

What if I am nervous about being on camera?

It's completely natural to feel nervous on camera, especially if you haven't done it before. We understand that lack of confidence often comes from inexperience. That's why we make the process as easy and comfortable as possible.

Our Video Sales Accelerator program is designed with your comfort in mind. We provide step-by-step guidance and personalized coaching to help you feel at ease. During our sessions, we'll help you craft your message, set up your scene, and walk you through the recording process.

Remember, the only way to get better is to practice. The more you do it, the more confident you'll become. Our supportive and experienced team will be with you every step of the way, ensuring you not only improve but also feel great about your videos. With each session, you'll gain more confidence and start to see the powerful impact of your authentic self on camera.

Do you have any other products or services?

Our Video Sales Accelerator is the best service we offer, encompassing all the core components needed for your success. It includes everything from high-quality video production to strategic distribution, ensuring comprehensive and impactful results.

However, we understand that budgets can vary. We offer custom packages that include different parts of the program to better suit your needs. For example, you can opt for just the Why Video or a combination of the Why Video and recruitment content without the educational series.

Please note that there is a significant increase in price when you only select a piece of the package. This is because the full program is designed to provide maximum value and synergy, ensuring all aspects of your marketing strategy are covered. Custom packages, while tailored to your needs, may not offer the same level of comprehensive support and integration as the full Video Sales Accelerator.

What if you are working with someone in the same territory?

The program is so customized to you that you don't have to worry about competitors in your area. We are big believers in focusing on how you can get better and not worrying about what other people are doing.Even if we are working with someone else in your area, it will not hurt or prevent you from getting results. Our approach is tailored to highlight your unique strengths and brand story. There's plenty of opportunity to go around, and our goal is to ensure you stand out and achieve the best possible outcomes for your business.

What is the R.O.I.?

The ROI of the Video Sales Accelerator Program can be significant and multifaceted. By investing in this program, you can expect:

Increased Client Acquisition: Professionally produced videos help you stand out, attract more potential clients, and convert leads more effectively.

Enhanced Caregiver Recruitment: Our recruitment videos featuring authentic caregiver testimonials will attract top-tier talent, reducing hiring time and costs.

Boosted Referral Partnerships: Educational and testimonial videos build trust and credibility, encouraging more referrals from healthcare partners.

Stronger Online Presence: Consistent, high-quality video content improves your SEO, increases website traffic, and enhances your social media engagement, leading to long-term visibility and brand recognition.

Cost Efficiency: By leveraging our expertise in video production and strategic distribution, you save time and resources, allowing you to focus on your core business operations.

Overall, the Video Sales Accelerator Program provides a comprehensive approach to digital marketing that drives measurable results in client acquisition, caregiver recruitment, and brand growth, delivering a robust return on investment.

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